Saturday, February 21, 2009



New library displays

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Library Photos


Reading books

I like to read all kinds of books
To entertain myself,
And so I’m glad when I can take
A book down from the shelf.

I like the picture books of planes
Of flowers, birds, and ships
From which I can imagine that
I’m taking wonder trips.
I like the books with stories in
And also books with rhymes;
I often try to learn a few
And say them lots of times.
I like to read all kinds of books
I find upon the shelf –
Particularly now that I
Can read all by myself!

Adventures with books

Books are ships that sail the seas
To lands of snow or jungle trees
And I’m the captain bold and free
Who will decide which place we’ll see
Come let us sail the magic ship
Books are trains in many lands
Crossing hills or desert sands
And I’m the engineer who guides
The train on its exciting rides.
Come, let us ride the magic train
Books are zoos that make a home
For birds and beasts not free to roam
And I’m the keeper of the zoo
I choose the things to show to you
Come, let us visit in a zoo
Books are gardens, fairies, elves
Cowboys and people like ourselves
And I can find with one good look
Just what I want inside a book
Come, let us read! For reading’s fun!

When you can read

When you can read, then you can go
from Kalamazoo to Idaho –
Or read directions that explain
just how to build a model plane –
Or bake a cake or cook a stew –
The words will tell you what to do!
When you can read, then you can play 
a brand new game the proper way –
Or get a letter from a friend
and read it… to the very end!

Open Up

Some things are pretty tricky.
Did you ever wonder why
The sun gets big and orange
At the bottom of the sky?

What grows hair on Daddy’s face?
Who put black in tar?
Where do locusts come from?
How heavy is a star?

Well don’t let questions scare you
Cuz you don’t have far to look,
The whole world is your crystal ball
When you open up a book.